Minecraft PE 1.20.41

Version 1.20.41 for Android

Download the free version of Minecraft 1.20.41 apk with Xbox Live support and find out about all the features of the updated blocks and use them in the gameplay.

Minecraft PE 1.20.41 Release

For the gameplay to always be stable and as diverse as possible, the developers try to solve all the problems that arise promptly. Thus, in Minecraft PE 1.20.41, several of them were fixed at once.

Players can use all the search functions inside the Marketplace in full, and in addition, the filtering process in this section of the cubic world has been fixed. Also, heroes can safely join servers and Realms. Enjoy the updated gameplay right now.


Many users of the cubic world are improving their construction abilities. That is why developers so often add various useful blocks for this process.

More recently, the options for using Bamboo have been expanded, and in Minecraft 1.20.41, two more types of materials have received even more varieties. The first of them is copper. It changes its textures over time, this process is called oxidation.

Players can prevent it, it is enough to apply a honeycomb to the copper surface.


This dark gray block is also suitable for building something new and interesting out of it. In Minecraft PE 1.20.41, the textures of tuff bricks have been updated, and recipes for these blocks have also been added.

Evaluate the possibilities of using these objects right now.

Unique block

In addition to the already existing Workbench block, a Crafter has also appeared in Minecraft 1.20.41. This unique device is quickly configured and can be loaded automatically.

With its help, users will have the opportunity to create a variety of items and develop the possibilities of using redstone. Try out this universal block right now and share your opinion about it with other players.


  • How many types of tuff blocks are there in Minecraft PE 1.20.41?

    At the moment there are three.
  • How many blocks of Copper in MCPE 1.20.41?

    5 options.
  • How to clean the copper block?

    With an axe.
