Minecraft PE 1.20.15

Version 1.20.15 for Android

Download the free version of Minecraft 1.20.15 apk with Xbox Live support and get to know the new features of the Librarian, as well as create villages without locals.

Minecraft PE 1.20.15 Release Trails & Tales

Every time a new version is released, the cubic world is transformed more and more, and players have new functions and features. So in Minecraft 1.20.15, the heroes are invited to evaluate the updated mechanics of interaction with the Librarian.

Now this character will appear in various biomes and offer the player to acquire magical abilities. By the way, a large number of different sounds were added to the game, as well as traditionally fixed errors that were previously noted by developers and users.


In the cubic world, there is a great variety of all kinds of plants, you can meet them both on the ground and underwater. At the same time, the developers do not stop and continue to come up with something new.

In Minecraft PE 1.20.15, the possibility of growing outlandish specimens is presented, they are called Torchflower and Pitcher. Seeds for their cultivation can be obtained by following the movements of the Sniffer. This mob often loses them and the hero can easily collect the necessary material for planting.


As you know, there are villages in many biomes of the cubic world. Naturally, they are inhabited by residents who have a wide variety of professions. Players, if desired, can help them defend themselves from robber raids.

But you should be careful because there have been some changes in Minecraft 1.20.15 and from now on Witches will throw bubbles with regeneration potions at the participants of the Raid.


One of the most interesting activities in Minecraft PE 1.20.15 is Traveling. In the process of exploring the territory, you can find a lot of unusual and useful things. For example, a new structure called the Ruins of the Trail.

Most of it is underground and here are the Templates needed to decorate the armor.


  • What is Sniffer looking for in the ground?

    Plant seeds.
  • What plants can the player grow from the seeds that the Sniffer finds?

    In MCPE 1.20.15, these are Torch flower and Pitcher.
  • Why do we need forging templates in MCPE 1.20.15?

    To decorate armor.
